Utilising two GPS/GLONASS antennas, the VBOX 3i RTK measures all of the normal VBOX GPS parameters, plus the azimuth and elevation between the antennas, i.e. the direction the antennas are pointing, and the angle between them measured from the horizontal. This allows the unit to measure slip angle, and also pitch angle (or roll angle depending on how the antennas are mounted), all at 100Hz.
Both the VBOX and the Base Station track the Russian GLONASS range of navigation satellites as well as the normal GPS constellation, using almost twice as many measurements for accurate results and reception in areas of poor satellite visibility. Read more on VBOX GPS accuracy.

VBOX 3i Dual Antenna RTK comes with a VBOX Manager, a display enabling you to change the dynamic modes and filter settings, set up slip angle data and define antenna locations.
A Dual Antenna Mounting Pole (needs to be ordered separately) ensures optimum antenna separation and the most accurate attitude measurement.