VBOX 3i Dual Antenna can be used for a multitude of test applications such as
- Brake Testing
- Handling & Dynamics (ESC Testing, Aquaplane, Centreline Deviation, Lane Change)
- ADAS & Safety Systems Testing
- Performance Testing (Coastdown, Pass-by-Noise, Speed & Distance Verification) and more.
The VBOX Tools software analysis package allows you to carry out sophisticated tests in real-time and in post processing.
All parameters can be viewed in a customisable graph, and the data can be scanned, analysed and manipulated using the very powerful Report Generator function.
VBOX Tools is able to load signal data from an industry standard CAN database file (.DBC).

There are a number of standard test configurations which can be loaded into the software with one button click:
- Brake Testing – Using a brake pedal mounted trigger input, VB3iSL will measure braking distance to within ±1.8cm.
- Performance Testing – This unit is perfect for all variations of performance testing, the accuracy and quick response of the 100Hz unit gives very repeatable and accurate results.
- Acceleration Testing – Instantly view speed versus time & distance tables.
- Circuit Testing – Extract and analyse lap information.
- Dynamic Tests – Slip and pitch angles updated at 100Hz alongside speed, distance and acceleration.
- Steady State Cornering – Slip angle without any drift or correction over time.
- Trailer Angles – Measure relative angles between two fixed bodies (two systems needed)
- Accident Reconstruction – Log and animate the vehicle’s movement in three axis
RepGen is very customizable, allowing results to be produced for virtually any type of automotive test. All created configurations can be saved and easily recalled for future analysis.
For customers with focused test requirements, we offer dedicated software packages to simplify the test procedure:
- Aquaplane
- Coastdown
- Lane Change
- Centreline Deviation
We also offer complete packages of hardware for specific tests:
- Test and Validation of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)
- Lane Departure Warning – 2cm accuracy combined with calibrated video overlay
- Adaptive Cruise Control – 2cm vehicle to vehicle accuracy
- Collision Avoidance Systems – vehicle to point, vehicle to vehicle
- Blind Spot Detection – Calibrated Video Overlay