The ability to accurately measure speed is essential for any vehicle. Car drivers need to know how fast they are going so that they can keep within limits, and the increasing number of detection systems used to enforce speed limits has meant that speedometers need to be calibrated very accurately.
Testing and Validating of Speed Measurement Equipment
When prosecuting speeding offences, evidence must be presented that cannot be challenged: the accuracy of the device used to capture speed at the time of the offence has to be accurate.

The nature of speed detection is changing, along with some of its philosophy. Whilst safety remains the main reason for installing enforcement cameras along a stretch of road, other environmental factors are now making an impact.
Areas where parameters such as emissions and noise need to be controlled over a long distance have given rise to average speed detection units, ensuring that the lower traffic speed results in less noise and pollution. The distance measurements used to calibrate average speed cameras must therefore be extremely accurate.
VBOX product can be used to easily test and validate speed measurement equipment like odometers, speed loops and speed cameras. The use of GPS allows this to be possible.